In the 7 Areas of Life, are 3 prompts for each area:
1️⃣ Set the goal: Green light mode! Sky is the limit. How do you want to feel in this area moving forward? What do you want to learn, embody, or do? What do you want to be able to say this time next year about this area?
2️⃣ Identify the limiting belief: If relevant to the goal, take time to identify what might get in your way of achieving that goal and the limiting belief that could be fueling that internal obstacle.
First, what is the first BUT that comes to mind? (…but I can’t afford it, but I’ll never be good enough to, but I won’t be able to keep up with that, etc.) Boiling that belief down, identify the core limiting belief underneath (Core Negative Beliefs).
Next, identify any proof in your life to push against that belief. (I’ve done new things before and figured it out successfully, I’ve finished a book, a project, a course, I’ve found the support I needed in my friend, family member, or community before and can find it again, etc.)
Finally, What would help me lean into the opposite of that limiting belief? (I’ll start small, I’ll give it 30 days and reevaluate, I’ll ask a friend to journey along with me in reaching this goal, etc.)
3️⃣ Explore the resources to help you get there: What books, podcasts, accounts, courses, or communities could help you in reaching this goal?
$$ Mental $$
$$ Emotional $$
$$ Physical $$